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Question 1/5

They conducted a randomized clinical trial comparing the efficacy of two blood-thinning drugs A and B. The research hypothesis is that drug A and B have different efficacy against recurrent blood vessel occlusion (restenosis). The null hypothesis here would be that drugs A and B have the same efficacy on average, i.e. that they are equally effective against restenosis. You now want to conduct a statistical hypothesis test.

Please evaluate the accuracy of each of the following statements on statistical hypothesis testing.

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It proves (with 100% certainty) whether or not both drugs have the same effect on average (null hypothesis).

A stastistical hypothesis test proves whether or not drug A has a different effect than drug B (research hypothesis).

A stastistical hypothesis test provides a decision as to whether the null hypothesis (both drugs have the same effect on average) can be rejected on the basis of the data.

A stastistical hypothesis test reveals clinically relevant differences in the effectiveness of the drugs.

A stastistical hypothesis test helps to decide whether differences in the sample, under certain assumptions, can be generalized to the population.

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